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Giacomo braucht Hilfe - FAIRY muss verkauft werden

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Beiträge: 9
Dabei seit: 06 / 2010


 ·  #16
If you have seen where G lives and the conditions in Romania I think living in Germany would be wonderful :)
I think that if you can somehow get the piece from him to put in a gallery or store there in Germany, that would be a really good way to sell it.
lol it is hard reading the english translation :) sometime not too sure what is being said.
Adrian Weber

Adrian Weber

 ·  #17
Beiträge: 9
Dabei seit: 06 / 2010


 ·  #18
Thanks dicey

I had a bit of trouble with your post :)

"Henry, you might not temporarily take in your purse with jewelry ? So only temporarily , in order for it to advertise ? Or perhaps in your store a display with pictures un a beautiful text to describing the dilemma and the story?"

Were you suggesting Henry put it in his shop??

Does anyone have a phone number for G so Fairy could be sent or something?
Heinrich Butschal
Beiträge: 34137
Dabei seit: 07 / 2005

Heinrich Butschal

 ·  #19
Beiträge: 9
Dabei seit: 06 / 2010


 ·  #20
I know :( thats why I was wondering if anyone had his number...I thought maybe martin might have it
Frank Skielka
PostRank 11 / 11
Beiträge: 2239
Dabei seit: 04 / 2010

Frank Skielka

 ·  #21
Beiträge: 4383
Dabei seit: 01 / 2005


 ·  #22
Zitat geschrieben von Giacomo - per E-mail -

Hi Martin ,
I twas thinking very serious this days and I decided to stop making videos on the internet . This was a real adventure for me , as I don't know how to promote myself in order to take any advantages from that , so it was a very much time consuming for me and complicate my life too much . I am very lucid when I am writting this message to you .[...]
But I made an introspection and I found that I am not capable to make my own business , so I must go back to what I was before : a goldsmith working for living . I want to thank you for all your support and kindness and friendly attitude beside me , and I assure you of my whole friendship ,consideration and respect. I am still working at the final video - I review it - to make it very good , perfect from my point of view , and I will post it in few days . Every day here for me is a nightmare , being under pressure of that arab and all that ordinary financiary problems I have, so I must work for making money to keep this damned place and the dogs in good health . I will make a video with my workplace and I will post it on Portal , and - this way - many of those who were thinking I am a welthy person will understand in what conditions I am forced to work . Having my mother here, ill and helpless, makes me helpless too . Otherwise , it would be easy for me to find someone to hire me and to work for him / or her , outside the country . This Fairy project shows me how difficult and danngerous is to play as an artist in a country which are becoming a real jungle . The only thing I have to do now, is to work ordinary jewelry and to wait for my mother's end . I know it sounds very cruel, but this is the truth : when she will pass away , I will sell the apartement and I will buy a house in the forest here or I will emigrate from Romania . Staying here , in this place , I will be a zomby , a living dead. It seems that I come to the end of the road .
With all my best regards for you,

Your Portal was my moment of glory , and I am very satisfied with that. I was able to proove what I can do, with my primitive conditions and workplace .
Beiträge: 9
Dabei seit: 06 / 2010


 ·  #23
That makes me very sad 😢
Seem s very unfair that such a talented person should have such a hard time
Beiträge: 9
Dabei seit: 06 / 2010


 ·  #24
I just watched the last of the fairy vidoes. I just can't believe that he will sell it for so little! :shock: It is the beautiful thing I have ever seen and is worth 5 times more! I wish I was rich :(
Beiträge: 4383
Dabei seit: 01 / 2005


 ·  #25

fairy bzw. eyreen ist ja nun ganz fertig

giacomo bat mich gestern den preis von 7.000 auf 8.000 zu ändern. das macht den verkauf sicherlich nicht einfacher aber er hat nachträglich noch einige nicht geplante applikationen hinzugefügt um es zu vollenden.

ein bild hänge ich auch an und füge noch mehr bilder davon giacomos forengallerie hinzu schmuck-foren/palbum2893.html ....

Anhänge an diesem Beitrag
Titel: FAIRY.jpg
Information: Fairy - Eyreen Collier (hier noch ohne dunkelgrünem Kordelband)
PostRank 11 / 11
Beiträge: 1583
Dabei seit: 07 / 2008


 ·  #26
"Fairy" soll nächste Woche zu mir nach D kommen, ich habe dazu die Versandkosten + ein kleines Überlebensbudget an G. überwiesen.

Wer also Interesse und Möglichkeiten hat, das Objekt einer entsprechenden Kundschaft im Original zu präsentieren, möge sich bitte mit mir in Verbindung setzen. Gerne nehme ich auch Kontakte zu Galerien entgegen, die vielleicht auch in Zukunft Giacomos Werke präsentieren möchten. Hier sollten doch einige Mitleser sein, die sich in der Branche auskennen.

Wenn jemand noch in anderer Weise helfen möchte, bitte PN!
Christian Koch
PostRank 9 / 11
Beiträge: 443
Dabei seit: 06 / 2009

Christian Koch

 ·  #27
Ich sehe mir seit 2 Jahren alle Videos von Giacomo an
Durch ihn habe ich gelernt selber Ketten, Ohrsteckerhalterungen und vieles anderes mehr zu machen, Ich war jeden Tag hier um zu sehen ob ein neues Video von ihm gepostet wurde.
Dies nun zu lesen, macht mich wirklich traurig.

Ich wünschte ich hätte Geld, oder Beziehungen um ihm in Irgendeiner Weise zu helfen 😢

Trotdem würde ich ihm gerne per post etwas zukomen lassen.
Kein Geld, nur eine Kleinigkeit.
Wer seine Adresse kennt, der möge mir bitte eine PN senden.
Vielen DANK.!
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